Apel pagi Operasional On Farm

Morning roll call of on-farm operations

PT Mitratani Dua Tujuh held a morning assembly with operational on farm employees to listen to strategic direction from the Director on Monday (13/11) at Kemuningsari land, Panti – Jember.

The apple activity which started at 06.30 WIB was attended by the Director, SEVP Operation, GM Operational On Farm, as well as division heads and department heads of the operational on farm section consisting of the cultivation, R&D, and hatchery divisions.

Mr. Tumbas Ginting as Director of PT Mitratani Dua Tujuh conveyed several strategic directions including:

1. Achievement of production targets in 2023 and work plan in 2024

Productivity in general has increased in 2023, but do not be complacent, it must continue to be maximized and improved in 2024 with the work plan that has been made.

2. Specific technical strategies for on farm operations

Planting opportunities that have been planned must be immediately followed up and implemented according to the predetermined target.

3. Expectations from the Director

Hopefully this year’s joint expectations can be achieved with good results by utilizing the potential possessed by PT Mitratani Dua Tujuh.

This is also supported by the statement of Mr. Sugiharto Bisri as SEVP Operation who said that PT Mitratani Dua Tujuh has great human resources and high integrity as the company’s capital to develop much better and bigger.

“Land is the company’s basic capital, in the future we need to incorporate technology and increase productivity. With all the steps and efforts that we have planned, Mitratani will become bigger. We are capable, we can, we want Mitrani to be the pride of Jember and BUMN.” He said.

The event then ended with a discussion session and socializing with the participants.