Istighosah & Sholat Hajat Santunan Anak Yatim
PT Mitratani Dua Tujuh held Shalat hajat & Istighosah activities together on Thursday, August 29, 2024 at the office yard which was attended by 72 employees.
This activity, which is routinely carried out every month, is also held in order to ask for blessings as well as a means to increase faith and devotion for all employees.
The Director of PT Mitratani Dua Tujuh, Mr. Tumbas Ginting in his remarks said that with tonight’s activities we can pray for each other, support each other between all parts from On Farm to Off Farm to produce the expected products for mutual welfare and success.
“All things that we have planned together must be carried out optimally for all teams, and hopefully this year we can achieve success for the company,” he said.
The event then continued with orphan compensation given directly by management from the children of seasonal factory employees as a form of corporate responsibility and concern.
After that, the series of events continued with hajat prayers and joint istighosah led by Ustadz KH Abu Hassanudin who delivered his lecture on several matters, one of which was the nation’s efforts to achieve independence, which could later be used as the basis for all employees to want to fight together for the prosperity of the company.
After that, the series of events continued with hajat prayers and joint istighosah led by Ustadz KH Abu Hassanudin who delivered his lecture on several matters, one of which was the nation’s efforts to achieve independence, which could later be used as the basis for all employees to want to fight together for the prosperity of the company.
“Because between Ikhtiar and prayer it must be balanced, so that what we want together can be realized,” he said.