Maulid Nabi Muhammad SAW

In commemoration of the birthday of the Prophet Muhammad SAW, the board of directors together with the management and employees of PT Mitratani Dua Tujuh held a joint prayer as well as prayers for hajat, istighosah and compensation for orphans on Friday, September 22 2023, which was attended by 86 employees.

This religious activity, which is routinely carried out every month by the company, was opened with the reading of the holy verses of the Koran by qori Yusril Iesa Huda to start the blessing of the event. Followed by remarks by the Director of PT Mitratani Dua Tujuh, Mr. Dwi Aprilla Sandi.

In his speech, Mr. Dwi Aprilla Sandi said that this joint prayer activity was a form of togetherness of the PT Mitratani Dua Tujuh extended family who have shared desires, hopes and aspirations for the company’s progress.

“And in commemorating the birthday of the Prophet Muhammad SAW, he is the best human being who was blessed with Akhlakul Karimah who we can use as a role model as good Muslims.” He said.

The event then continued with providing compensation to orphans from the surrounding area of PT Mitratani Dua Tujuh as a form of concern for others. After that, the series of events continued with the hajat and istighosah prayers led by Ustadz Abu Hasanuddin, S.Pd Al-Hafizh, Chairman of the Ibnu Katsir Jember Foundation.

Entering the main event to strengthen feelings of love and respect for the Prophet Muhammad SAW, PT Mitratani Dua Tujuh also invited the hadrah group from Al Ikhwan Sedulur Pati Community to lead the chanting of the Prophet’s prayers which was attended by all the participants present.

The event closed with a lecture from Ustadz Abu Hasanuddin, S.Pd Al-Hafizh, who delivered a lot of material on tips for increasing love for the Prophet and role models that his followers should emulate.