Sinergi dan kolaborasi setiap hari rabo

PT Mitratani Dua Tujuh hosted the implementation of Weekly Synergy and Collaboration Every Rabo Day (SIRAMBO) on Wednesday, February 28, 2024.

The event was attended by the Regent and Deputy Regent of Jember Regency, Regional Leadership Communication Forum (FORKOPIMDA), Director of PT Mitratani Dua Tujuh and all invited guests of the event (SIRAMBO).

The event began with a joint sport and then continued with a free health check in the yard of PT Mitratani Dua Tujuh. After the exercise and health checks together then continued with the core event, namely the implementation of sirambo with the main focus of controlling inflation and the impact of climate change (el nino) which was preceded by remarks from the Regent of Jember Regency.

“In a few days we will enter the holy month of Ramadan and see from some information that there is an increase in the important staples of our society, especially rice which is quite important and chili and other commodities that also have the potential to increase. with this, there should be work for all of us so that prices become stable and make people have purchasing power.” Said the Regent of Jember Regency

The speech was then followed by remarks from the Regional Leadership Communication Forum (FORKOPIMDA) ranging from the Head of Bulog, Head of Disperindah to the Cooperative and UM Office where Forkopimda’s remarks simply said that the Jember district was ready to face the month of Ramadan with several strategies ranging from restrictions on purchases to other efforts to maintain price stability in Jember Regency.

After FORKOPIMDA delivered remarks and reports, it was followed by remarks and responses from the Director of PT Mitratani Dua Tujuh regarding the overall FORKOPIMDA program.

“This year we have utilized our waste program by raising goats but we are having problems, namely related to animal health workers so maybe we can be supported by the regent to become a meat center besides that we also have a partnership program so that we can work together with all sub-districts so that we can make Jember an agricultural center” he concluded.

The remarks of the Director of PT Mitratani Dua Tujuh were then responded positively by the Regent of Jember where the Regent of Jember Regency immediately ordered all Forkopimda to support the PT Mitratani Dua Tujuh Program.

The activity was then closed by the Regent of Jember Regency with an appeal that SIRAMBO would continue to be held every Wednesday.

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