Sosialisasi Whistle Blowing System (WBS)

Socialisation of Whistleblowing System

As a form of the company’s commitment to the implementation of good corporate governance, PT Mitratani Dua Tujuh through the Internal Audit Unit held a socialization of the Whistleblowing System (WBS) to all employees on Wednesday, October 04, 2023.

Whistleblowing System (WBS) is a system for managing complaints of indications of violations and actions that do not meet ethical standards that can harm the company and stakeholders carried out by employees or company leaders.

The socialization activity began at 08.30 WIB in the edamame meeting room and was attended by 69 people ranging from SEVP ranks, Division Heads, Department Heads to employee representatives from each division. The event began with remarks from SEVP Operation Mr. Tumbas Ginting who conveyed that all employees can report individuals who violate regulations with protected identities.

“All employees can complain or report anyone to the internal control unit through the Whistleblowing System (WBS) if they see other employees committing violations and harming the company with protected identities.”

Through the implementation of the Whistleblowing System (WBS), it is hoped that it can prevent employee irregularities / violations of regulations, build a reporting handling system that is responsive, transparent, safe and responsible and prevent the impact of greater losses to the company.

The material presentation was delivered by Ms. Yulyani as the head of the Internal Supervision Unit of PT Mitratani Dua Tujuh by delivering material on the types of violations and reporting flow and by the Corporate Secretary who conveyed the technical reporting through the channels provided.

If #SobatMitra27 finds violations committed by PT Mitratani Dua Tujuh employees, please report through the following channels:

1. Website:

2. Email:

3. Whatsapp : 085155436584