PT Mitratani Dua Tujuh received its first visit from Mr. Mahendra Utama as commissioner on Friday, 11 August 2023
Accompanied directly by management and the company secretary, the Commissioner oversees all business processes at PT Mitratani Dua Tujuh, from cultivation on the land to processing at the factory.
During his visit, Mr. Mahendra Utama gave many constructive suggestions and input for the development and progress of the company.
“PT Mitratani Dua Tujuh has the potential for a national and even international rating if it continues to be developed,” he said.
Mr. Mahendra has highly relevant experience in the agro-industry industry and company management. So that during this visit he gave a lot of input to PT Mitratani Dua Seven, including:
Optimizing the Supply Chain:
Strengthening and optimizing the agricultural supply chain will help improve production efficiency and ensure consistent product quality.
Product Innovation:
Encouraging research and development teams to create innovative agricultural products that can overcome challenges in the agribusiness industry.
Investing in Technology:
Adopting modern agricultural technologies such as sensor-based monitoring, data analysis and artificial intelligence can increase productivity and make better decisions.
HR Development:
Investing in employee training and development will help create a competent team ready for industry changes.
Continue to be committed to sustainable practices in agricultural production and pay attention to environmental impacts.
Collaboration with Local Farmers:
Strengthen relationships with local farmers and support the growth of farming communities around the company’s operational areas.