PT Mitratani Dua Tujuh participated in a public relations workshop organized by PT Perkebunan Nusantara X on 28 – 29 March 2023 at the Tanjung Plaza Hotel, Tretes.
The activity was attended by 32 participants consisting of the head office public relations team, work units and subsidiaries of PTPN X. Present directly to open the event was the Director of PTPN X, Mr. and Head of HR Division of PTPN X, Ms. Erna Anastasia Dewi El Irsyady.
In his remarks, Director of PTPN X Mr. Tuhu Bangun said that the public relations team has an important role in providing back up for the company when carrying out corporate actions so as to create positive corporate branding.
This is supported by a statement from the Head of Secretary of PTPN X that the media is one of the strengths of an entity for corporate branding of a company.
The public relations workshop was held for 2 days with competent speakers in their fields, including:
- Rani Suteja (UNAIR Communication PR Lecturer) who delivered material on Public Relations
- Luthfi Hakim (Chairman of PWI East Java) who fills in material on corporate communication and journalists
- Mirza Haikal D (Film & FTV Practitioner) who provided material on How to Create Interesting Content
In addition to material explanations from resource persons, participants were also invited to practice directly each material that had been received in groups and presented in front of the resource persons to be assessed and awarded prizes to the best participants.
Ms. Erna as the Head of the HR Section of PTPN X explained that the public relations workshop was organized in a comprehensive manner based on the needs of the corporate secretary in responding to corporate actions that will be carried out by the PTPN Group. He said (Erison_Sekper).