Chef Table : memasak hidangan bergizi dengan produk HYGREEN

Chef Table: cooking nutritious dishes with HYGREEN products

Yuyun Hidayat, an experienced Japanese Food chef from Indonesia who currently works at one of the Japanese food companies, conducted an exclusive cooking demonstration at La Piazza Mall Kelapa Gading, North Jakarta in the HYGREEN Product brand launching event owned by PT Mitratani Dua Tujuh on (18/8).

In this event, Chef Yuyun Hidayat cooked several menus with raw materials from HYGREEN products. Chef Yuyun also said that PT Mitratani Dua Tujuh’s products are very practical because they are ready to cook so they are suitable for consumers who do not have much time to cook.

This cooking demonstration is not only a place to share knowledge and expertise, but also to introduce invited guests and mall visitors to the importance of consuming healthy and nutritious food practically through Hygreen products.

Mrs. Merrijantij P.P, Director of Beverage Industry, Tobacco Products and Refreshment Ingredients of the Ministry of Industry of the Republic of Indonesia was quite enthusiastic to follow the cooking process because she felt that Hygreen products could make it easier for mothers to enjoy nutritious food without taking much time.

The dishes cooked by Chef Yuyun Hidayat include Bakwan Edamame with the main raw material of Hygreen edamame and a mixture of chicken and flour, then there is sauteed okra whose ingredients are butter, garlic and not forgetting Hygreen Okra as the main raw material.

Next is Stir-fried Mix Vegetable which is processed quickly because the Hygreen Mix Vegetable ready to cook ingredients only need to add butter and garlic. This cooking demonstration proved that Hygreen products can be processed into various healthy and practical cooking creations.